International Week 2019, 9-11 December, Tomsk

Tomsk Polytechnic University is delighted to invite you to our International Week in Tomsk, Russia on December 9-11, 2019! The aim of this event is to deepen insights, expand fruitful networking and make new acquaintances for everyone involved. “Discover Russia” is the theme of the International Week. Another aim of the Week is to meet with representatives of international offices of universities of Asia, Europe and Russia to introduce the system of Russian higher education and the universities of Tomsk for improving effectiveness of international cooperation.

Based on this we would like to give you the possibility to

  • present your home university and institution at an international mini-fair during the Week
  • listen to key note speakers within the international Week´s subject areas
  • take part in interesting work-shops
  • give a lecture to Russian students

Please let us know which subject you are lecturing about. We encourage interdisciplinary lectures within the subject areas or in some other area of expertise that you would like to introduce.

Please see the Invitation and Preliminary Program for the International Week in Tomsk.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Tomsk Polytechnic University directly.
For more information you can also go to the official website of TPU International week 2019.
We are looking forward to your registration before November 10, 2019