Great ranking of CLUSTER members in the 2018-REUTERS ranking “The world’s most Innovative Universities”

Known as one of the most famous University rankings, Reuters’ ranking “world’s most innovative Universities” was published at the beginning of October 2018. This ranking spotlights the dynamic of CLUSTER by standing out from the crowd some of its members. KU Leuven (Belgium) reached an astonishing 7th place in the ranking! This makes KU Leuven the first non-american university.


Not far behind, on the 12th place, is the federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL, Switzerland). Another CLUSTER member, Karlsruhe Insitute of Technology (Germany), is also nominated in this ranking (92th). Furthermore, two associate members of CLUSTER, Georgia Institute of Technology (USA), Tsinghua University (China) are also in the Top 100 with respectively the 29th, 44th place.

This ranking is based on several data including patent volume, patent success, width of the patents, patents citation and impact, numbers of articles published and their impact (quotations) and others similar criteria. To see the full methodology, report directly to the Reuters’s explanation.

CLUSTER congratulates all of its members and associate members for their performances in the Reuters’ ranking, especially KU Leuven for it’s top 10! These results are a true motivating factor for all of members and enhance the renown of CLUSTER.