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SEEEP Doctoral Programs Workshop

IST Lisbon Lisbon,

Joint workshop promoted by two SEEEP Doctoral Programs: (ii) Energy and Transportation and (ii) Robotics and Interaction.

Summer Course Creating Multidimensional Experience, Aalto University

Aalto University is excited to share a great opportunity for students to learn entrepreneurship in Finland this summer! Experience a unique summer course, where students from around the world come together to learn how to create immersive, multidimensional experiences. During three weeks of magical Finnish summer, students will use an iterative process to go from …

Summer Course Creating Multidimensional Experience, Aalto University Read More »

10th SEEEP Workshop

TU Eindhoven

The 10th SEEEP Workshop will be held on 23rd/24th October 2019 at TU Eindhoven.